Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Why You Should Sell Your Home, Now!

Why Now Is the Optimum Time to Sell For Top Dollar

1.Home Prices are Surging

Prices rose nationwide by 5.7% in January, and prices in Texas, specifically, have hit historic highs.  Do you know the current market value of your home?

2.Low Mortgage Rates Hold Steady

At rates as low as 3.7%, mortgage rates are extremely favorable to first-time and repeat buyers.  Home buyers are ready to take advantage of these rates.

3.Seller’s Are Needed

Unsold inventory is at 4.6 month supply.  This gives seller’s an advantage as there are simply, not enough homes.  Rates are low, and buyers are competing over homes.

4.It’s Cheaper Than Renting

With rental prices on the increase, it is now cheaper to buy than rent in most cases.  Renters are realizing that home buying has become much more affordable.  They want to purchase homes, now!

Source: "9 Real Estate Trends to Watch in 2015," The Fiscal Times (March 27, 2015)

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